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Cellulite - Definition, Causes, and Treatment

Wita Zella

Cellulite is a condition where fat deposits push up the connective tissue under the skin. Cellulite often appears in the thighs, abdomen, and buttocks. Further, cellulite is usually characterized by the appearance of skin that looks wrinkled.

What's Cellulite?

Often equated with stretch marks, cellulite is a common skin condition that often comes across. This condition is harmless, but cellulite makes the surface of the skin look wrinkled, indented, or looks dimpled in the thighs, hips, buttocks, and stomach. According to research, women experience more cellulite than men because it lies in differences in the distribution of fat, muscle, and connective tissue. It is estimated that 80 to 90 percent of women experience cellulite in some degree of variation.

The Causes of Cellulite

In general, cellulite involves the fibrous bands that connect the skin to the underlying muscles, as well as the fat that surrounds it. As fat cells accumulate, they push and pull the skin and connective tissue down. This is what creates an uneven and bumpy skin surface.

Another reason, cellulite is caused by reduced and lost collagen fibers between the skin and muscles that separate the fat underneath into several pockets. Cellulite can become more visible with age as the skin becomes thinner and loses its elasticity. This is what shows the corrugated connective tissue.

Moreover, cellulite can be triggered by:

  • Hormone

  • Bad diet

  • Unhealthy lifestyle

  • Genetics

  • Weight gain

  • Pregnancy

Cellulite Risk Factors

It has already been mentioned that cellulite is more common in women than men. In fact, most women develop cellulite after puberty; because women's fat is typically distributed in the thighs, hips, and buttocks — common areas for cellulite to appear. In addition, cellulite is also more common with aging, when the skin loses its elasticity. Besides, weight gain can make cellulite more noticeable, but some thin people may also have cellulite due to genetics reasons. Thus, it shows that everyone has an equal chance of developing cellulite since genetics play a significant role in developing cellulite.

Further, a sedentary can also increase the chances of developing cellulite, and thus of pregnancy women.

Treatment for Cellulite

Similar to the stretch mark treatments discussed earlier, here are some recommendations for cellulite treatments that can be done at IORA Clinic:

Laser Treatment

Various types of laser treatments can be used to treat cellulite. Laser is a minimally invasive treatment option that can help treat cellulite. Using tiny laser fibers, the laser energy can break up the hard lines under the skin that cause cellulite. Laser treatment can also thicken the skin, which can help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Salmon DNA

Salmon DNA is one of the skin rejuvenation treatments involving injections. With a special formula that is good for the skin, salmon DNA is able to restore skin elasticity, and bring back moisture and skin elasticity so that it helps reduce existing lines.

Collagen Stimulator

Still a favorite procedure, collagen stimalor is functioned to stimulate collagen and lost elasticity. In this way, the collagen stimulator can help treat cellulite by tightening sagging and wrinkled skin.

So, do you experience noticeable cellulite in a certain area? Now you can treat them with us! By providing numerous treatments, IORA Clinic will recommend you the best treatment to achieve your expectation.


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