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Here's The Causes of Dandruff on The Scalp

Wita Zella

In addition to hair loss and oily, dandruff is one of the annoying things happen to the scalp. Not only showing white flakes, dandruff is often accompanied by itching. For some people, dandruff is an intermittent condition meanwhile others may experience dandruff that can last for a long time. Actually, what is the cause of dandruff on our scalp?



If we go further, it turns out that dandruff is related to seborrheic dermatitis which causes itchy and scaly skin that only occurs on the scalp. Actually, dandruff is a common condition that often occurs in many people for many reasons. Although it is not dangerous, it often makes the sufferer uncomfortable because white flakes can be seen up to the shoulders and the itching sensation usually distracts the concentration.


White flakes and an itchy to scaly scalp are the main symptoms of dandruff. Furthermore, white flakes and oily skin will accumulate in the hair and can worsen when the air feels very dry. Other symptoms can also include:

  • Erythema (red patches on the scalp)

  • Gradual hair loss

  • Dry flakes on the scalp skin

The Causes of Dandruff

Many factors and causes contribute to the development of dandruff, so determining the exact cause is not easy. Even so, some of the causes of dandruff include:

  • Seborrheic dermatitis: This condition is characterized by oily, itchy, irritated peeling skin on the scalp. This condition can also occur in the eyebrows, groin, or chest. Seborrheic dermatitis mainly happens due to genetics or hereditary factor.

  • Contact dermatitis: Hair care products such as shampoos, gels, or dyes that contain harsh ingredients can irritate the scalp causing redness, itching, and flaking.

  • Hormones: Hormonal imbalance causes excess oil that triggers the growth of Malassezia globosa (a fungus that causes dandruff). Although it sounds serious, hormonal imbalances can be minimized with the lifestyle you live. Make sure you do not consume much sugar and try to sleep before 10 p.m.

  • Weather: Extreme weather and pollution can strip the scalp and its natural oils lead to excessive sebum production. If this condition happens to meet Malassezia globosa, the dandruff development can worsen.

  • Stress: Stressful thoughts or stress from other activities causes excessive sebum production on the scalp.

  • Infrequent shampooing can cause skin cells to accumulate and create flakes and itching. However, be careful, excessive shampooing can also make the scalp goes too dry.

  • Excessive combing of hair causes too much friction and also makes the scalp becomes sensitive.

How to Prevent Dandruff

After knowing the causes and factors of dandruff, things that can be done to prevent dandruff include:

  • Do not scratch the dandruff flakes that are on the scalp forcibly and harshly because it can exacerbate irritation and also encourage dirt which will further aggravate the existing condition.

  • Find a light and appropriate hair product that is suitable for your needs.

  • Reduce stress. In fact, stress can make dandruff worse for some individuals. The fungus that causes dandruff can attack when a person's immune system is weakened; this weakening of the immune system can be caused by mental stress.

  • Try to minimized the production of sebum on the scalp by maintaining good life style such as have a healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate rest, and so on.

When to go to the doctor?

Some cases of dandruff may don't need to be treated by a doctor, however, it's a wise choice to see a dermatologist if your dandruff is very stubborn and the itching doesn't improve. Not only dandruff, some cases may associated with other problems such as proriasis, eczema, or fungal infections. Check with the doctor when you start to feel uncomfortable with your condition. If you go to IORA Clinic, we provide a series of hair care to solve your dandruff condition.


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