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Myths or Facts - Is Maskne Exist?

Wita Zella

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, new habits have emerged; washing hands, maintaining distance, reducing mobility, to the obligation to wear a mask every time we leave the house. Not only that, new terms such as maskne have also emerged. Actually, what is maskne?


Maskne is an abbreviation of Mask and Acne. Maskne is often referred to as a new pimple growing in areas covered by the mask such as the nose, cheeks, and chin (O-Zone area). Some people believe that they experience maskne because the sudden pimples appear after wearing a mask for a long time.

Maskne, myths or facts?

Technically, maskne is acne mechanica that is formed due to pressure, friction, and excessive heat. According to a recent journal, the relationship between wearing a mask and acne lies in hydration levels, trans-epidermal water loss, pH, erythema (redness), and sebum production. Basically, masks are designed to avoid dehydration and stress. However, environmental, weather conditions, and certain activities such as tropical climates or outdoor exposure, and active movements allow the skin to become more comedogenic and exacerbate inflammation, especially for acne-prone skin.

Moreover, acne is a condition of various factors. Acne that grows in the area covered by the mask may have a different diagnosis, such as eczema (eczema), perioral dermatitis, or rosacea. In addition, maskne may be a compilation of pre-existing acne. Therefore, it is important for us to know the exact cause first rather than blaming the mask.

Keep in mind that acne is a complicated condition, so let's identify the main factors that cause acne in the O area of ​​the face:

Acne Mapping on Face. IORA Dermatology Clinic. Acne Skin. Acne on Cheeks, Acne on Chin, Acne on Forehead.

1. Acne on cheeks

In fact, bacteria play a big role in acne, especially P. acne bacteria can cause inflammation in clogged pores. Cell phones, pillowcases, and make-up brushes are objects that are prone to bacteria and also often come into contact with the skin of the cheeks. So, don't be lazy to keep the things around you clean.

Tips: Clean the phone screen regularly, change pillowcases frequently, and wash make-up brushes as clean as possible.

2. Acne on chin and jawline

Acne on the chin or around the jaw is usually associated with changes in hormones and diet; certain hormones and foods can stimulate oil glands and lead to clogged pores. The simple example in hormonal imbalance can be seen from the irregular menstruation schedule, and puberty period. Otherwise, you may take certain medications which affect the hormones.

Tips: Avoid foods that trigger acne development such as sugary foods, milk, and nuts. Next, see the nearest dermatologist to get the right treatment if the acne occur for a long time.

Overall, the types and causes of acne vary widely. In addition, the exact cause of maskne still requires further investigation. Therefore, we cannot conclude that the pimples that appear on the lower face are (definitely) caused by masks. Instead of blaming the mask, we should reflect on the lifestyle we run.

Maskne Tips:

To avoid acne getting worse, pay attention to cosmetics, foods (do not consume many sweets, diary foods, and fast food), hygiene, and lifestyle. If acne persists for a long time, consult with the doctor for the proper diagnosis and further treatments needed.

Acne in the O-Zone area, or famously known as maskne. Acne treatment with dr. Edwin Tanihaha, Sp.KK, Dip. AAAM. MHKes, FKCCS
Acne in the O-Zone area therapy with dr. Edwin Tanihaha, Sp.KK, Dip. AAAM. MHKes, FKCCS


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